tisdag 28 december 2010

Forgive me.

I wrote it down, a word for every heartbeat. A heartbeat for every memory.
Memories are said to be a reminder of what used to be.
But what are they when what used to be isn't what it should have been because I didn't play my part?
What are memories then, other than a painful reminder of how blind one can be?
So I wrote it down, every event that I misinterpreted, every word that I didn't understand, every time I pushed you away. For every word that was written another one was whispered; I'm sorry.

Yesterday remains as it was left, today is what we make of it, tomorrow is what we created today.

Today we can create a tomorrow that should have been yesterday. 

Now I know what I've should have known, I'm sorry.

Forgive me.

tisdag 12 oktober 2010

Words r 4 the blind

I wish I never learned to speak. Words are worn out, repeated and eventually even the sincerest words loose their meaning.

I wish I only learned the language of eyes. There is nothing that can be hidden in that mystic speech. Eyes always tell the truth, eyes speak about what the mouth tries to hide. The beauty of it all is that the eyes choose who is worthy of our inner. That is something that not even our mighty mind can control.

No wonder that the mouth claims that "eyes are the window to our soul" is a cliché. Even the most righteous being would envy pure communication.

"just one look"

tisdag 5 oktober 2010

I had a dream!

For about 5 years ago I had a dream. Not a Martin Luther King kind of dream, but still a dream that has marked my vision of love.

A couple walking, hand in hand on the beach has turned into the symbol of love. 

Some say a dream is just wishful thinking. But what do they say about a stranger describing your dream in details without knowing and even telling you who plays each part? 

Without going into explanations that some can't grasp; listen to that inner voice! Trying to ignore it may cause repeated dreams. 

Dreams are your inner voices way of showing you what you won't hear.


fredag 28 maj 2010


Vad är det som gör att vi ständigt jagar bekräftelse?
Oberoende av hur säkra vi är på vår sak, så ska allt bekräftas.

Fastän vi har svaren framför oss, fastän intuitionen ropar, fastän alla runt omkring ser, så ska vi ändå ha allt bekräftat innan vi handlar.

Är det vår rädsla för att ha fel?

Är det vår rädsla för att bli utdömda?

Är vi så beroende av vår omgivning att även de tydligaste svaren och de självklaraste lösningarna bara lyckas snudda vid vårt medvetande, för att sedan ligga och gnaga i väntan på bekräftelsen?!

OM vi skulle få för oss att handla utan bekräftelse så är det värsta som kan hända, rent logiskt att vi har fel.
Vad gör man när man har fel? Ber om ursäkt och går vidare!

Varför ska det då vara så irriterande svårt?

"Stop trying to look beyond now, try looking straight ahead"

onsdag 26 maj 2010

What's a question mark worth without an answer?

Why fight it, when it's bound to happen?
It's said that the writing's on the wall, still we keep on suffocating that inner voice that forces us to face facts.

How come sorting out your inner means hiding your surface?
When that subtle voice turns into a screaming, tearing up the contents of whats been stacked way down, we show of a surface telling the spectators; everything's fine.

Why is taking a chance and being crazy synonymies?
"You gotta do what you gotta do" a common knowledge. Yet we're scared of being judged as soon as we start sorting out everything that our inner has been telling us. "God forbid going against the norms"

Only god can judge my rise and falls.
A wrong is never a wrong until I give up.
I know my ways and what's needed.
I'll be waiting at the threshold until norms are rearranged and I'm invited.

See you on the opposite side of normal...

tisdag 4 maj 2010

I'm a go getta

So the world's a bitch....

Lögner, falskhet, egoism, ignorans och avsaknad av empati är det största hotet mot vår planet. OM jorden går under 2012 så är det på grund av någon av dessa faktorer, eller alla i en enda förödande symbios.

Jag kunde inte brytt mig mindre.
Vill jag att mina barn ska växa upp bland dessa hot mot mänskligheten? - Nej.
Vill jag fortsätta läsa om världens orättvisor som blir fler och mer intensiva för var dag som går? - Nej.

Vem är vem?
Vem vill vad?
Vem kan göra vad?

It really aint that important, or so it seems.

Huvudsakliga frågan, huvudbryet på denna gudsförgätna plats och vad som verkar vara mänsklighetens största undran;

Hur kan man ägna sina dagar åt så mycket egoism och ignorans när det finns så mycket nytta man kan åstadkomma om man hade spenderat den energin på att komma underfund med vad man själv kan göra istället för att gnälla som en 2åring?!

Polisen brukar våld.
Staten är korrupt.
Illuminati styr världen.

Common knowledge. Ändå spenderar merparten av befolkningen sin tid på att förtränga och idiotförklara det logiska och tydliga. Jag undrar hur många som förstått betydelsen av; den hund som skäller.....

I don't give a fuck about what them haters want, all I want is them haters gone.

Slice me up, cut me open, you aint got shit on me, Im not stoppin until I've won.
Send your lions on my flock, they'll be wishin they never thought of darkness.
For the love of my own there's nothin I wouldn't do.
So them haters want us gone? I couldn't care less.
I got my mind connected to the almighty, there's no such thing as an intended wrong.
I'm driven by the love for the right.
Al them haters got is their envy.
So you think we're alike?
The only time I turn green is when I puke over yall.

I don't give a fuck about what them haters want, all I want is them haters gone.

"I'm no quita, cuz I'm a go getta"