onsdag 17 juni 2009

Standing tall

Come get me, I'm ready.
I'm going to fight this battle standing tall.
I'm going to embrace my mistakes and learn.
I will no longer be quiet, I will no longer keep unnecessary secrets, I'm me and you know me.
I'm not afraid of you, I created you, therefore I will destroy you, that's my human right.
Your nothing but a mind twister, you have nothing that I didn't give to you. From now on, until I've won this battle you are out of rights, you are out of commanding, you are not you. You are me, and I'm standing tall.

Queen B take it away....

1 kommentar:

  1. Du är bäst, å du är den smartaste jag vet.
    och du fattas så mycket i mitt liv min ängel. och jag älskar dig mest!
